Aug 1, 2012

A few how to's- forging, hot wiring and pinhole glasses

Pinhole glasses (not just for eclipses)

Say you lose your glasses what would you do?? Well a simple temporary fix is make a pair of pinhole glasses.

How to is totally simple see pic above. Poke a hole in a piece of card board and put it over your eye or eyes. Or you can put duct tape or aluminum over your frames and poke holes in that. You only need one small hole...the larger or more holes makes it less sharp. But this is a cool thing to know.

side note:  did  you know  to  boost your "far vision" just by making your hand into a fist and looking through it like a telescope—just like you did when you were a kid playing pirates

Hot wire a car (I am in no way promoting this only in a shtf situation LAST option situation) But say you need to move a car to get out, or take a car to get out, what ever it may be I personally would have no clue!  Now at least I know what to look for.

Simple forging (10 min how to build)
Being able to re-purpose metal is an extremely important skill to have. 
Here is a great pdf on basic black smithing Click Here
here is a great plan for a coffee can foundry I found when looking for uses for coffee cans Click here
How to Survive a Zombie attack (had to :)
Perfect end song for this thread  would be......
Peter Gabriel  - DIY  a bit of a corny song but totally applicable! .


  1. Forging is forming a component using impact load Forging like a hammer.


  2. Forging process is a really difficult one man. But there is lot know about it though.
