Jan 30, 2015

Fantastic Friday - Could the Survival Bike be your Bug Out Vehicle of Choice?

Every Friday I will be sharing a post that I came across on my journey's for the week.
One's that impress me with  information, ideas, or just a great read. 

This weeks has to be a post written by:  The Prepper Journal 
Because this is the coolest thing EVER!!!!

 I was casually strolling around the internet today as most of us do at some point in time, looking for article ideas for the Prepper Journal. I do this whenever I don’t have something pushing into my thoughts as readily as I hope and it happens occasionally when writer’s block hits me. I was lucky enough to stumble on something that many of you, myself included might not have seen yet, but that could be an excellent bug out vehicle option in the right circumstances.

The song for this post has to be Pink Floyd - Bike


1 comment :

  1. Wow, I really like your post because the information which you given in this blog is really extra ordinary.

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